History Hunts

metal detecting tours
All England finds are reported to the British Museum following proper protocols. This provides History Hunters with great records of their finds. Here, we are starting to post the pouches of individual hunters who are part of our tours. Feast your eyes.
Alberta Rory, Spring 2015 (2 weeks)

Henry 1st find and cut half penny of this King. This halfpenny has a voided cross type next to the fleury that is not in my reference books. 1100 AD Henry 1st hammered silver half penny - Quadrilateral on cross fleury type. Henry I (c. 1068 – 1 December 1135), also known as Henry Beauclerc, was King of England from 1100 to 1135. Henry was the fourth son of William the Conqueror

1199 John hammered silver short cross half penny Class 5
Rev CE+TOM - Moneyer Thomas of Chichester mint

1604 Jams 1st hammered silver six pence

Medieval heraldic shield pendant - looks like 3 right prancing lions in shield

Crispy 600 AD Saxon silver primary sceat - needs 'cooking' to remove crust. 1.10g,12mm

c700 AD Saxon silver primary sceat sent to Fitzwilliam museum for ID and recording

50BC Clacton type Celtic gold qtr stater - sent to PAS for recording. 13.1mm, 1.43g

Possible medieval gilded silver heart - Lombardic script IHS

Saxon gold coin pendant - reported as treasure to museum
1.35g, 15mm dia
Dutch 700 AD coin
The coin is not Saxon but the rest of the pendant might be. This is the Madelinus type from Dorestad in the Netherlands, which has been found in England in relatively large numbers.

1.c700 AD Saxon silver primary sceat 1.09g, 11.2mm Series C2, EMC 2015.0077.
2.Crispy 600 AD Saxon silver primary sceat - needs 'cooking' to remove crust
3.50BC Clacton type Celtic gold qtr stater - sent to PAS for recording
13.1mm, 1.43g
4.1247 Henry III hammered silver voided long cross half penny
5. Silver HIS locket – reported as potential treasure to museum
6.1604 James 1sat hammered silver six pence
7. Illegible hammered silver coin
8.1216 Henry III hammered silver short cross half penny
9.1285/6 Edward 1st hammered silver farthing - new issue inner circle both sides - Type 28 Oval flan Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON- London mint
10.1279 Edward 1st hammered silver penny Obv +EDWAR ANGL DNS hYB
Rev CIVI/TAS/CAN/TOR - Canterbury mint
11.1899 Victoria milled silver sixpence
12.1930 George V milled silver sixpence
13. 1831 William IV milled silver sixpence
14.1199 John hammered silver short cross half penny Class 5 Obv hENRIC REX
Rev CE+TOM - Moneyer Thomas of Chichester mint Thomas did not issue out of Chichester in ref books??
15.Henry I hammered silver half penny(c. 1068 – 1 December 1135)- Quadrilateral on cross fleury type
16.2ndC Roman bronze coin - illegible
17.2ndC Roman bronze coin - illegible
18.2ndC Roman bronze coin - illegible
19.Medieval Edward hammered silver penny fragment Obv ** DVS REX
20.1327 Edward III hammered silver groat fragment
1.Medieval heraldic shield pendant - looks like 3 right prancing lions in shield
2.1634 Charles 1st hammered copper rose farthing
3.1634 Charles 1st hammered copper rose farthing
4. 1604 James 1st hammered copper farthing
5. 4thC Roman bronze coin - illegible
6. 1500-1700 mount
7. Georgian buckle
8. 17thC spur fitting
9. Medieval strap end
11. Georgian spoon bowl fragment
12. 17thC milled silver shilling - illegible
13.1586 Hans Krauwincel II Rose orb Jetton
14.4thC Roman bronze coin - illegible
15.4thC Roman bronze coin - illegible
16.4thC Roman bronze coin – House of Constantine – two soldiers standing
17.4thC Roman bronze coin - illegible
18.4thC Roman bronze coin - illegible
19.4thC Roman bronze coin - illegible
20.4thC Roman bronze coin - illegible

1. Post medieval lead hanging weight
2.Post medieval lead hanging weight
3. 1500- 1700 mount
4.Georgian watch winder
5.1500- 1700 mount
6.Post medieval lead bale seal
7. Georgian seal matrix face
8. Victorian pressed copper mount fragment
9.Medieval mount
10. Georgian bowl foot
11. Georgian hook point
12. Post medieval spur rowel
13. Nail
14.Post medieval lead bale seal
15.Post medieval lead bale seal
16. 17 Post Tudor buttons
1.7 – 18th to 20thC copper coins
9. Medieval hooked mount
10. Medieval harness pendant hanger
11. 17thC belt slide
12.1634 Charles 1st hammered copper rose farthing
13.16thC Tudor button
14.Georgian watch winder
15.Post medieval lead bale seal
16. 2 Georgian thimbles
18.Post medieval lead bale seal
19.Post medieval lead bale seal
20.Post medieval lead bale seal

Sal, Fall 2014 (4 weeks)

Decorated gold stud reported to museum as potential treasure. Anglo Saxon sword button mount.

10- 40 AD Celtic silver unit
Cunobelinus Spiky silver unit CAMVl in front, CAM with VL behind
Seated victory r.holding bowl or wine cup in r.hand CVNO below chair
BMC 1863-65 classed as Very rare

1625 Charles 1st hammered silver half penny

1582- 3 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver half groat - Bell mint mark

1649 Commonwealth hammered silver penny

Incomplete late Iron Age to early Roman (25-60AD) cast copper alloy rosettle brooch

850 BC Bronze Age socketed axe head fragment

1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - narrow hair - I.m. Lis - Type 1L
Obv hx DxGx ROSA xSIE x SPIA
Rev CIVI/TAS/xLON/DON - London mint
0.33g, 11mm

1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - narrow hair - I.m. Lis
Obv hx *****SIE x SPIA
Rev is mule from farthing DEO - London mint

1582-4 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver half groat - A mark

16thC German states coin

1485- 1509 Henry VII hammered silver penny - D at centre of reverse cross
Bishop John Sherwood
Durham mint

1592- 5 Elizabeth hammered silver penny - Tun mint mark

1377-1399 Richard II hammered silver half penny
Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON- London mint

2ndC Roman silver coin - needs cooking to ID
Spanish diner of Ferdinand II (1479-1516)
Valencia mint
Obv Crowned King bust facing left
Rev Feathers or plumes

1594-6 Elizabeth hammered silver penny

Interesting Roman decorated bronze implement - serrated thumb grip like on Roman buckle tongues

1285/6 Edward 1st hammered silver farthing - new issue inner circle both sides - Type 28
Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

1596 Elizabeth hammered silver sixpence
10th/11thC Late Saxon stirrup mount - Type 12 openworkversion Page 7 - fig 312, David Williams 20.10g, 46.78mm L x 27.47mm W x 4.99mmT

16thC Tudor clothing fastener

1247 Henry III hammered silver voided long cross penny - Class 5
Rev GIL/BER/TON/CAN - Gilbert of Canterbury mint

1485 Henry VII hammered silver halfpenny - Single Arched crown- Cross ends fourchee
Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON -London mint

1299- 1300 Edward 1st hammered silver penny - Class 9b
Rev CIVI/TAS/EBO/RACI - York mint

1300-1310 Edward Ist hammered silver farthing - Type 28d
Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON London mint

1.1247Henry III hammered silver voided long cross penny - Class 5 >
ObvhENRICVS REX III Rev GIL/BER/TON/CAN - Gilbert of Canterbury mint>
2.1299-1300 Edward 1st hammered silver penny - Class 9b Obv + EDWR ANGL DNS HYB RevCIVI/TAS/EBO/RACI - York mint>
3.1596Elizabeth hammered silver sixpence>
4.1526-44Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - narrow hair - I.m. Lis - Type 1L Obv hxDxGx ROSA xSIE x SPIA Rev CIVI/TAS/xLON/DON - London mint 0.33g, 11mm>
5.1285/6Edward 1st hammered silver farthing - new issue inner circle both sides - Type28 Rev EDWARDVS REX A Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint>
6.1485-1509 Henry VII hammered silver penny - D at centre of reverse cross>
BishopJohn Sherwood Durham mint>
7.1279Edward 1st hammered silver penny ObvEDWAR ANGL DNS hYB>
RevCIVI/TAS/DVR/EME - Durham mint>
8.1279Edward 1st hammered silver penny Obv +EDWAR ANGL DNS hYB>
RevCIVI/TAS/LON/DON- London mint>
9.1247Henry III hammered silver voided long cross farthing>
10.1594-6Elizabeth hammered silver penny>
11.1509-26 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny>
12.1300-1310Edward Ist hammered silver farthing - Type 28d Obv +EDWARDVS REX A RevCIVI/TAS/LON/DON London mint>
13.1280Edward 1st hammered silver farthing - Sterling issue - no inner circle onobverse - Type 10 Obv + ERAN GLIE Rev LONDONIENSIS/>
14.1377-1399Richard II hammered silver half penny Obv + RICARD . REX ' ANGL' RevCIVI/TAS/LON/DON- London mint 0.58g,14.2mm>
15.1377-1399Richard II hammered silver half penny Obv + RICARDVS REX ' ANGL RevCIVI/TAS/LON/DON- London mint 0.48g,14mm>
16.1526-44Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - narrow hair - I.m. Lis >
Obvhx *****SIE x SPIA Rev is mule from farthing DEO - London mint 0.35g,12mm>
17.1649Commonwealth hammered silver penny>
18.1625Charles 1st hammered silver half penny>
19.1485Henry VII hammered silver halfpenny - Single Arched crown- Cross ends fourchee ObvhENRIC DI GRA REX Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON -London mint>
20.1582 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver sixpence
1.1592-5 Elizabeth hammered silver penny - Tun mint mark>
2. 1582-4 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver half groat - A mark>
3.1582-3 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver half groat - Bell mint mark>
4.1582Elizabeth hammered silver three pence>
5.1582- 4 Elizabeth hammered silver penny>
6.VenetianSoldino hammered silver Michele Steno (1400-1413)>
7.16thCElizabeth 1st hammered silver half groat>
8.Medievalhammered silver long cross penny fragment>
9.16thCElizabeth 1st hammered silver sixpence>
10.Medievalhammered silver long cross penny fragment>
11.Medievalhammered silver long cross penny fragment>
12.1247Henry III hammered silver voided long cross half penny>
13.1247Henry III hammered silver voided long cross half penny>
14.1247Henry III hammered silver voided long cross half penny>
15.1247Henry III hammered silver voided long cross farthing Obv /NIC/ - Moneyer Nicole>
16. 16thElizabeth 1st hammered silver sixpence>
17.1574Elizabeth hammered silver three pence>
18.1247Henry III hammered silver coided long cross penny>
19.1247Henry III hammered silver voided long cross farthing London mint>
20.1574Elizabeth hammered silver three pence>

1.2ndCRoman silver coin - illegible>
2.ABC2855 10- 40 AD Celtic silver unit CunobelinusSpiky silver unit CAMVl in front, CAM with VL behind Seated victory r.holdingbowl or wine cup in r.hand CVNO below chair BMC 1863-65 http://www.celticcoins.ca/vanarsdell.php?tribe=TRI&van=2045-1>
3.Spanishdiner of Ferdinand II (1479-1516) Valencia mint Obv Crowned King bust facingleft Rev Feathers or plumes
4.4- 1634 Charles 1st hammered copper rose farthings>
5.17thC hammered copper trade farthing - illegible>
6.1247Henry III hammered silver voided long cross half penny>
7.4- 1634 Charles 1st hammered copper rose farthings>
8.4thCRoman bronze coin - illegible>
9.2- 1634 Charles 1st hammered copper rose farthings>
10.1916London silver mint mark on silver shield Maker WJ William Johnson of London>
11.Incompletelate Iron Age to early Roman (25-60AD) cast copper alloy rosettle brooch>
12.1896Victoria milled silver shilling (12 pence)>
13.1946 George VI milled silver sixpence>
14.1696 William III milled silver love token>
15.16thCGerman states coin I have not seen before and no in my ref books- double headedeagle on Obv ? >
16.1928 George V milled silver half-crown (30 pence)>
17.1816George III milled silver sixpence>
18.1910 Edward VII milled silver sixpence>
19.1850Victoria milled silver six pence>
20.1850Victoria milled silver half-crown (30 pence)>
1.2ndCRoman fibular brooch>
2.Medievalpurse bar end>
3.Romandecorated bronze implement - serrated thumb grip like on Roman buckle tongue>
4.Medievalharness shield pendant>
5.1500-1650 buckle>
6.1770'sgold 1/4 guinea coin weight - 5 shillings and 3 pence>
7.C10thCgilded Saxon plate>
8.Romanbronze hanging phallic pendant>
10.850BC Bronze Age socketed axe head fragment>
11.10th/11thCLate Saxon stirrup mount - Type 12 openwork version Page 7 - fig 312, DavidWilliams 20.10g, 46.78mm L x 27.47mm W x 4.99mm T>
13.2ndCRoman bronze coin - illegible>
14.2ndCRoman bronze coin - illegible>
15.2ndCRoman bronze coin - illegible>
16.Postmedieval lead bale seal>
17.15thC lead token type 2 >
18.Postmedieval lead bale seal>
19.Roman lead dice>
20.17thClead token type>

1.2ndC Roman bronze coin - illegible>
2.2ndCRoman bronze coin - illegible>
3.2ndCRoman bronze coin - illegible>
4.2ndCRoman bronze coin - illegible>
5.4thCRoman bronze coin - illegible>
6.16thCTudor clothing fastener>
7.1640 Civil War stone carronade sheel>
8.Postmedieval lead bale seal>
9.Postmedieval lead bale seal>
10.Post medieval lead trade weight>
11.Georgian key>
12.Georgian watch winder>
13.18thC crotal bell >
14.Medieval book clasp>
16.Georgianpastry jigger wheel>
17.Georgian show buckle>
19.Completecast copper alloy buckle of post-medieval date. The buckle is a double loopasymmetrical shape Circa 1575- 1700>
9 Roman pottery shards

1.1500-1 700 hooked mount>
3.Medieval bronze pot fragment>
5.16thCTudor button>
6.Medievalbuckle plate>
7.1500- 1700 hooked mount>
9.GeorgianJews harp>
10.GeorgianJews harp>
11.Castcopper alloy double-looped sub-annular shoe or knee buckle Circa 1650-1720>
14.Romanpottery shard>
16.1500-1650 buckle>
17.Georgianwatch winder>
20.Earlymedieval knife quillion>
1.Illegible silver coin fragment>
2.Victorian silver foil trim>
3.Post medieval lead trade weight>
4.Postmedieval lead trade weight>
5.2 lead bullets>
6.Copper strap end>
7.Copper nut>
8.Postmedieval lead bale seal>
9.Copper plate fragment>
10.Victorian key hole surround>
11.5 buckle fragments>
14.Post medieval glass stopper>
17.Postmedieval lead bale seal>
20.Georgian cuff link> 1.20 Post Tudor buttons> 9.1586 Hans Krauwincel II Rose orb Jeton> 10.1500-700 mount> 11.12– 18th to 20thC copper coins> 24– 18th to 20thC copper coins> 24– 18th to 20thC copper coins>