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History Hunts

metal detecting tours

It's a circa early 18th century Native American trade silver arm band
Congrats to Ontario Mike and Iowa Dale. They both knew this piece could likely be a trade silver arm band. Y'all know your stuff. Maybe...

Mystery Object Monday, June 6
Hey, History Hunters! We know we owe you a spring Virginia 2016 recap, but we're excited to start this weekly series so just get over it...

England Spring 2016 Recap
We hopped the pond once again in late February and stuck around for two weeks to metal detect some favorite fields. Our groups did not...

Deep South 2016
This year's Deep South Hunt was the first of the 2016 season. We had a blast and the team stayed positive through the cold weather and...

Virginia Fall 2015
It was a very busy fall for us, y'all. So busy, in fact, that we stuck to Facebook for updates and have a little catching up to do with...

Late Spring 2015 Virginia Recaps
The last two Virginia History Hunts of the season (April and May) were full of surprises and great relics. We had some fine folks attend...

Virginia March 2015: What a hunt!
We have been leading History Hunts for close to 10 years now, and I am still amazed and surprised by some of the discoveries our hunters...

England Spring 2015: It WAS a treasure hunt.
Sometimes we refer to our great hobby as treasure hunting, but rarely do we find anything that would truly be classified as treasure. Our...

Deep South Hunt Recap
Instead of the Deep South Hunt, this year we considered calling this the Deep Freeze History Hunt. It was frigid. This team had a tough...

A December to Remember
We just finished our last Virginia relic hunt of the year and, boy, what a hunt it was! We had a great crew of return hunters along with...
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