Fall 2017 Virginia History Hunts Highlights

This Fall’s Virginia History Hunts season kicked off with a three-day Civil War tour that was followed by a two-day Colonial tour. Over the course of five days, the group's discoveries ranged from 3000 BC through the 1800s AD! The team found some real rarities.

Some of the top finds are pictured above. Included is a Civil War era US horse rosette; Civil War era Colt Pocket Pistol frame; Confederate Enfield rifle trigger mechanism; two Civil War era Confederate Virginia coat button;, a Richmond, Virginia, manufactured Confederate North Carolina officer's staff cuff button; a pre-Civil War Marines cuff button; numerous quartz and quartzite Early to Middle Archaic Native American dart points; an engraved solid silver finger ring; an 1800s plantation token; Civil War era pocket knife; and a mint condition cut piece of Spanish silver coinage.

Our last hunt of the year was the Holiday History Hunt in Virginia. The boys had a blast metal detecting on properties rich with Civil War history.

Pictured above are some of the top finds. Included is a very rare Confederate Roman-Lined “C” Cavalry coat button; Civil War artillery fuse adaptor; pre-Civil War solid brass rosette; Hatchet fob; gilded GAR encampment badge; several Civil War military buttons; and lots of Civil War bullets and Colonial style flat buttons.
2017 was a great year with tons of History Hunting fun. Thanks to all of our loyal History Hunters. I also want to thank everyone that keeps up with our adventures. We look forward to an action-packed 2018.
Stay tuned for more hunts to come!