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Virginia History Hunt November 2018 Highlights

Our team of six History Hunters made some very impressive finds on this outing.

These were a small quartz projectile point; 1871 two-cent piece; brass spread eagle flagstaff finial; Confederate Infantry coat buttons; 1845 large cent; 1835 bust liberty silver dime; 19th century Chinese cash coin; Civil War Virginia coat button; several Civil War eagle buttons; quite a number of Civil War bullets including several Confederate Enfields; Civil War era VMI cadet coat button; Civil War Virginia cuff button; camp-made lead letter I; and last, but certainly NOT least, a very rare solid cast brass Confederate "CS" belt plate!

The picture represents a portion of our top discoveries. These were a small quartz projectile point; 1871 two-cent piece; brass spread eagle flagstaff finial; Confederate Infantry coat buttons; 1845 large cent; 1835 bust liberty silver dime; 19th century Chinese cash coin; Civil War Virginia coat button; several Civil War eagle buttons; quite a number of Civil War bullets including several Confederate Enfields; Civil War era VMI cadet coat button; Civil War Virginia cuff button; camp-made lead letter I; and last, but certainly NOT least, a very rare solid cast brass Confederate "CS" belt plate!

Civil War Confederate belt plate buckle

George from North Carolina easily took the top spot with the rare Confederate belt plate!

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