Virginia History Hunt December 2018 Highlights
Neither snow nor rain could keep this group of seasoned History Hunters from making some great discoveries on this outing.

The hunt began with a record snow storm. Next came the rains that helped to melt the snow. Needless to say, conditions were less than optimal. Some of our top finds from the hunt are pictured here. These are a hand engraved silver piece; a Victorian coin weight; 1700s four penny bullion weight; several military buttons including a rare Eagle Voltigeurs; Confederate block and script “I” buttons; two Virginia buttons; an early one piece US Navy button; several early silver and copper coins including an 1875 seated liberty quarter; several early 1600s-1700s colonial mounts; Native American broken points; and a broken Confederate spur. Not too shabby considering the elements the crew faced.
Happy Holidays from History Hunts!