Early Spring 2020 Virginia History Hunt Highlights
Right before this virus took hold in our great country, we held two back to back three day metal detecting tours for a team of 6 History Hunters. These had been on the books for a long time so I was thankful we didn't have to cancel. I was planning on waiting until the next two back to back hunts were done before doing a wrap up but Covid-19 had other plans for us. I should be on location now making the final preparations for those hunts but for the sake of everyone's well being we decided to put all hunts on pause until this threat has passed. Its killing me not to be out there right now! So with that said, here's the wrap up.
These two hunts featured some beautiful weather and rare discoveries. Our six days were spent Metal Detecting a number of different Civil War and colonial sites both new and old. The usual bullets, buttons and coins were found.
Some of the big Civil War finds were 3 rare Richmond backmarked Virginia buttons; a North Carolina starburst button; a South Carolina button; a Confederate Whitworth sharpshooter bullet; a Maynard carbine bullet and the tongue disk off of a very rare Virginia Confederate tongue and wreath sword belt plate!
Notable coin finds were an 1853 3 cent silver piece; a well worn 1773 Virginia Half Penny; a well worn unidentifiable early silver coin with counterstamp; 5 different pieces of cut Spanish silver coins - one from an 8 reale, two dates in the 1720s and 3 different Spanish silver cobs - two Mexico half reales and one Lima Peru 2 reale dated 1686 on both sides! Other miscellaneous finds of note were two colonial trigger guards; a 17th century spur; a well worn gold ring fragment; a colonial candle snuffer / wick trimmer; several colonial mounts and a number of Native American projectile points.
Hope y'all enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed finding the relics contained within them. You all have my word that History Hunts will be back with more relic hunts just as soon as possible! Stay well and happy hunting.