December 2020 History Hunt Wrap Up
Two small groups of History Hunters got together for two short metal detecting outings recently and everyone made some interesting discoveries. The weather was a little cold and rainy at times but for the most part there was sun and plenty of rainbows!
The following shows just a portion of the good finds. These included: large cents; Indian head pennies; a seated liberty dime and half dime; a well worn Spanish quarter reale; a Spanish half reale; a beautiful Spanish one reale; a quarter cut Spanish pistareen silver coin; several other silver artifacts including an early colonial monogrammed cufflink or button; Civil War era military buttons including a Virginia cuff, a Navy and a General Staff 3-piece; an 1820s US Militia Rifles coat button; early colonial buckles, mounts and spoon pieces; Native American projectile points and knives; musketballs and Civil War bullets; and a large brass engraving plate.
Congrats to everyone on some great finds. It was great fun!
